I am trying to count numbers that fall between a rolling 6 month dat
period. In other words imagine the Columns with a year long date rang
with each cell containing a date. (01/01, 01/02, etc) all way to 12/31.
In the rows I have a name in each row. (50 names) If a name recieves
number for any given day I am looking for a total formula that wil
count all numbers in each cell for any given date as long as it is in
rolling 6 month period from today backwards.
If I 5 ponints and I recieved the first point on 03/06/2012 then th
total count tomorrow would be 4 since the original point i recieved i
over 6 months ago.
Any help is appreciated
I am trying to count numbers that fall between a rolling 6 month dat
period. In other words imagine the Columns with a year long date rang
with each cell containing a date. (01/01, 01/02, etc) all way to 12/31.
In the rows I have a name in each row. (50 names) If a name recieves
number for any given day I am looking for a total formula that wil
count all numbers in each cell for any given date as long as it is in
rolling 6 month period from today backwards.
If I 5 ponints and I recieved the first point on 03/06/2012 then th
total count tomorrow would be 4 since the original point i recieved i
over 6 months ago.
Any help is appreciated