I was wondering if anyone cld help me out on formulas to be used in
Excel. The specifics are I hve defined two Dynamic Ranges say Price
and Qty and I want to Sum the product of these two Dynamic Ranges into
a cell. I thought using Array formula Ctrl Shift Enter on
=Sum(Price*Qty) should give me the required sum but instead it gives
me the following error msg #VALUE! How do I achieve my objective which
is to get the sum of the product from both these Dynamic Ranges, Price
and Qty.
Thank u in advance 4 yr help.
I was wondering if anyone cld help me out on formulas to be used in
Excel. The specifics are I hve defined two Dynamic Ranges say Price
and Qty and I want to Sum the product of these two Dynamic Ranges into
a cell. I thought using Array formula Ctrl Shift Enter on
=Sum(Price*Qty) should give me the required sum but instead it gives
me the following error msg #VALUE! How do I achieve my objective which
is to get the sum of the product from both these Dynamic Ranges, Price
and Qty.
Thank u in advance 4 yr help.