Sum or Sumif BUT exclude duplicate records



ok, i have a spreadsheet with 3 tabs.
On each of these tabs i have records with a dept number in Column A and a
sku in column B. For example, tab A may have purple styles, tab B may have
red styles and tab C may have yellow styles. Throuhout each tab i have
various sub-totals adding skus together BUT the subtotal lines are unique in
that they don't have a dept number or sku number.

So now i need a grand total of all 3 tabs BUT some records are repeated so i
need to avoid "double counting". For example, i could have a style that is
purple and yelllow so appears on two tabs.

so i was hoping to get some assistance in writing a formula that can add all
the skus on the three tabs but exclude the duplidates. so i was hoping a
Sumif or a sumproduct coud be used by saying Sum if dept number>0...but
exclude dupiclatesl..or something like this.

really hoping that this request is clear but please let me know if more
information would be helpful.

thanks much,


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Cheers -

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