Sum, several different sheets in the same workbook




I have tried below, and it works superb - but not all of the data i want to
sumarise is on the same line on each sheet.

so i want to do something like this
=SUMIF(First:Last!A1:A202,A26,First:Last!B1:B202), but it is returning a

What am i missing?

help, and thanks


Suppose your worksheets aren't in any kind of sequential order. Or you have
50 worksheets, and you only want to sum 30 of them, but you're constantly
adding worksheets, so the beginning and end worksheet names may change?

In this case, place a blank worksheet to the left of the first worksheet you
want to include in the formula. Call that worksheet "First". Insert another
blank worksheet after the last worksheet you want to include in the formula.
Call that worksheet "Last". You can even hide these worksheets!

Then, your formula will be:



I can't make my sheet name include the ":"
If this doesn't work, what is in B26?


First:Last! Refers to two seperate sheets, the first one and the last one of
the 20 that i want to pick data up from.

Bob Phillips

If the data is not the same cell on each worksheet, how do you know where it
is, what is the rule?


sorry, sumif does not work for 3d equations
Workarounds include
setting a common point for a sumif equation on each sheet and using a 3d sum
function on that cell
Writing a macro to do the sumif
setting a series of sumifs on one sheet and summing the series.

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