I'm trying to get the sum of two columns so I can display it in text box.
Instead of showing the total of both columns it shows the total for each
record. I want the total for both columns for each consignor.
SELECT Credit.[Cash Refund], Credit.[Store Credit], Sum([cash
refund])+Sum([store credit]) AS GrandTotal, Credit.[Consignor Number]
FROM Credit
GROUP BY Credit.[Cash Refund], Credit.[Store Credit], Credit.[Consignor
Instead of showing the total of both columns it shows the total for each
record. I want the total for both columns for each consignor.
SELECT Credit.[Cash Refund], Credit.[Store Credit], Sum([cash
refund])+Sum([store credit]) AS GrandTotal, Credit.[Consignor Number]
FROM Credit
GROUP BY Credit.[Cash Refund], Credit.[Store Credit], Credit.[Consignor