sum with variable size of arguments


Dimitar Panayotov

hello there. i have tried to solve this problem, but by now i could not.

there are rows -- list of numbers. it is not specified whether they are in
some range, nor it is specified can they be negative -- they can be. we want
to specify "start row" from which AFTER it we do SUM until it is greater than
or equal to some number, again specified by us. after this is true, we want to
"extract" row AFTER this SUM, and then same thing -- again chasing some value
in SUM, then "extract" another cell, and so on. final goal is to make a
excerpt from the list of numbers, and we to know for these numbers that sums
of other elements between them were greater than or equal to some value...

i am not sure i succeeded to tell it right. if you are interested or just
curious, question me. it is really important, and i need your help.

thanks from now.

Earl Kiosterud


If your table has something in another column that identifies to which group
a row belongs, a pivot table, or Data - Subtotals will do what you want in a
straightforward way.

Jim 1
Jim 4
Jim 3
Mike 2
Mike 5

They don't have to be grouped consecutively for a pivot table solution,
though they do for the Subtotal solution. You can get a sum, average,
highest, etc., as needed for each group.

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