sumif and if function



Can I combine Sumif and If function?
I have a data spreadsheet with the following columns: DATE column, $$
column, STATE column.
Is there a formula that I can use so that when I update the data spreadsheet
it will automatically calculate for me as what I need below:

- If DATE column is filled in
- then do a SUMIF to calculate $$ for each STATE

I do have some rows without the DATE but $$ will be there, so I just want to
know if there's any formula that I can use

Teethless mama

Assuming your data A1:C8 header in row 1
Column A holds Date
Column B holds $$
Column C holds State

your criteria in in D2

In E2: =IF(COUNT($A$2:$A$8)=COUNT($B$2:$B$8),SUMIF($C$2:$C$8,D2,$B$2:$B$8),"")

Per Jessen


With your data in columns A:C and state list in column E, try this formula
in D1 and copy down to all states.


Hopes this helps

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