Sumif and Left/Mid formula


John Michl

I need to sum a column of numbers that meet a criteria that is based on one
character within a string. The string is a seven character string that has
about 125 possible combinations. A simplified version is below. What
formula would I used to sum all records that have "A" in the first position.
The answer should be 6.

AB 2
Ax 4
xB 5

Thanks. - John

Ken Wright

If all the data is as per your example, ie text with one space then followed by the number you
wish to sum, you could use the following:-

=SUM(IF(LEFT(A1:A7)<>"A",0,--MID(A1:A7,FIND(" ",A1:A7)+1,LEN(A1:A7))))

array entered CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

Ken Wright

Without needing an array:-

=SUMPRODUCT((LEFT(A1:A7)="A")*MID(A1:A7,FIND(" ",A1:A7)+1,LEN(A1:A7)))

John Michl

Thanks, Ken. My example wasn't clear enough regarding the rest of the data
set but you provided enough of an example for me to get it to work. I had
already tried using Sumproduct but it didn't work for me. I was using an
argument in the "Left" statement that I thought would indicate I only wanted
the first character. Apparently that was unnecessary. All works great!

Thanks again.

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