M.A. Clark
Perhaps this feature is not supported in Excel but here goes.... I have data
that represents Sick Time, Holiday Time, etc in single cells on a
spreadsheet. For example, to represent a Sick day of 5 hours, a single cell
would show S5. What I am attempting to do is 1. Identify which cells in a
single column have an S, 2. Once identified, add the value next to S to the
sum of all Sick time. To get the count of S I used Countif(B5:B370,"S*")
This works. But I have tried all kinds of combinations to Sum the resulting
numbers. This is a group common spreadsheet so separating the data to
multiple cells is a bit of a fight. Any help would be appreciated.
that represents Sick Time, Holiday Time, etc in single cells on a
spreadsheet. For example, to represent a Sick day of 5 hours, a single cell
would show S5. What I am attempting to do is 1. Identify which cells in a
single column have an S, 2. Once identified, add the value next to S to the
sum of all Sick time. To get the count of S I used Countif(B5:B370,"S*")
This works. But I have tried all kinds of combinations to Sum the resulting
numbers. This is a group common spreadsheet so separating the data to
multiple cells is a bit of a fight. Any help would be appreciated.