I'm trying to write a formula that says if the date in E29 is the same as the
date in D7 then multiply B5 by C29, otherwise 0. Where am I going wrong.I
know what i want to acheive I just don't know how to get there
=sumif('Cattle Mvts'!E29,match('Cattle Budget'!D7,),'Feedlot
Assumptions'!B5*'Cattle Mvts'!C29)
date in D7 then multiply B5 by C29, otherwise 0. Where am I going wrong.I
know what i want to acheive I just don't know how to get there
=sumif('Cattle Mvts'!E29,match('Cattle Budget'!D7,),'Feedlot
Assumptions'!B5*'Cattle Mvts'!C29)