Sumif Fails w Date as Text



I have a column (A) that calculates a date to the nearest 1st of the month
based on a date in another column on another sheet (Sheet2!G).
The calculation is of the form =VALUE(LEFT(Sheet2!G43,2))+1 & "/1"
Column A is formatted as text.
Then I have a set of cells (P1 to P8) that calculates the first of the month
out 2 to 10 months.
That calculation is of the form = (MONTH(TODAY())+#) & "/1" where # varies
from 2 to 10.
So in column A I get values like 10/1, 12/1, 11/1, etc. and in P I also get
similar values. Column P is also formatted as text.
In Column C there are work hours associated with the month starts in col A
and I want to total the work hours for each month start, so in Column H If
have the following calculations:

H1: =SUMIF(A10:A100,P1,C10:C100)
H2: =SUMIF(A10:A100,P2,C10:C100)

So when P2 = 10/1 I would expect H2 to contain the total of any cells in C
that have a value of 10/1. Instead I get a zero.

I have tried to confirm that the values match with the formula =IF(P2 =
A5,1,0) where A5 displays 10/1 and the result is a 1, meaning that the cells
match, but I still get only a 0 in H2.

Any help appreciated.

Roger Govier

Hi Ed

I think you have the formula the wrong way round.
You are saying the "dates" are in C and the values to be summed in A.


I don't think that is correct. According to Excel the first parameter is the
compare range and the 3rd parameter is the cells to be summed.
In any case I tried switching it and still get zero.
Thanks anyway.

Roger Govier

Yes, I misread your posting.
Your dates are in A and the values to be summed are in C.
It works absolutely fine for me. There must be something wrong with your
Perhaps the values in column C are text, not numeric. That would give a
result of 0.
Try testing columns C with =ISNUMBER(C1) and copying down.


Yes, that seems to be the problem. Even when I set the format to numeric the
cells remain as non-numeric. If I try =value(c10) I get a #Value error.

Any suggestions for forcing the cells to numbers???
thanks for your help.

Roger Govier

Hi I
in a blank cell on your sheet enter 1
Copy that cell
Mark the range of your "non numeric data"
Paste Special>Multiply


Well, I actually simplified that col a bit to shorten the description.
The cells in row C actually contain a formula:
because I am pasting a worksheet into Sheet 2 that will have work hr values
either in col L (original) or col M (updated).

So when I use the paste special multiply everything changes to #VALUE errors??

The pasted cells in sheet2 come in as General formatted.

Thanks again for your help.

Roger Govier


Maybe if you change that formula to

Set the format of the receiving ells to hh:mm
Set the format of the cell with the Sumif formula to [hh]:mm


As soon as I change the formula, I get a #VALUE error.
If it makes any difference, the information I am pasting into Sheet2 is a
web page.
The numeric values are in what come in as merged cells that are left
justified and when checked for format as general.
Attempting to convert them using =Value() also results in a #VALUE error.
I'm stuck,
Thanks for your help.

Roger Govier said:

Maybe if you change that formula to

Set the format of the receiving ells to hh:mm
Set the format of the cell with the Sumif formula to [hh]:mm
Roger Govier

expect_ed said:
Well, I actually simplified that col a bit to shorten the description.
The cells in row C actually contain a formula:
because I am pasting a worksheet into Sheet 2 that will have work hr
either in col L (original) or col M (updated).

So when I use the paste special multiply everything changes to #VALUE

The pasted cells in sheet2 come in as General formatted.

Thanks again for your help.

Roger Govier


there may be non-breaking spaces in the data that is imported.
In another column, enter
Try using that as the column of data in your SUMIF() formula

Roger Govier

expect_ed said:
As soon as I change the formula, I get a #VALUE error.
If it makes any difference, the information I am pasting into Sheet2 is a
web page.
The numeric values are in what come in as merged cells that are left
justified and when checked for format as general.
Attempting to convert them using =Value() also results in a #VALUE error.
I'm stuck,
Thanks for your help.

Roger Govier said:

Maybe if you change that formula to

Set the format of the receiving ells to hh:mm
Set the format of the cell with the Sumif formula to [hh]:mm
Roger Govier

expect_ed said:
Well, I actually simplified that col a bit to shorten the description.
The cells in row C actually contain a formula:
because I am pasting a worksheet into Sheet 2 that will have work hr
either in col L (original) or col M (updated).

So when I use the paste special multiply everything changes to #VALUE

The pasted cells in sheet2 come in as General formatted.

Thanks again for your help.


Hi I
in a blank cell on your sheet enter 1
Copy that cell
Mark the range of your "non numeric data"
Paste Special>Multiply


Thanks so much for your persistence. It finally paid off. It must have
been the non-breaking spaces. That formula allowed me to get to a working
solution. Thanks so much for your help.

I'd never heard of non-breaking spaces. Is there a reference anywhere you
know of that would provide more info?

Thanks again for you help.

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