I am creating a spredsheet to calculate our sales employees' bonuses.
Their bonus is a different % depending on what type of job it is and
who the sale person is.
Col A. - Job Name
Col B. - Type of Job (New, Renewal, Extra, Misc)
Col. C - Sales Personal ( Dave, Bob, Mark)
Col. D - Expenses
Col. E - Revenue
Col. F - Profit
Col. G - Profit %
I am trying to figure out the amount of each Type of Job per Sales
I was thinking the formual would be: IF Col B. = New and Col.C = Dave
than Sum Col. E .
Thank you for our help.
Their bonus is a different % depending on what type of job it is and
who the sale person is.
Col A. - Job Name
Col B. - Type of Job (New, Renewal, Extra, Misc)
Col. C - Sales Personal ( Dave, Bob, Mark)
Col. D - Expenses
Col. E - Revenue
Col. F - Profit
Col. G - Profit %
I am trying to figure out the amount of each Type of Job per Sales
I was thinking the formual would be: IF Col B. = New and Col.C = Dave
than Sum Col. E .
Thank you for our help.