SumIf with date range



I have a formula:


AE1:BQ1 on the Details page are dates
CurDate is the current date and is a named cell
AE2:BQ2 on the Details page are values

I need the formula to look at the date range AE1:BQ1 and determine if it's
value is greater than or equal to the value of the CurDate. If it is then
sum the fields in AE2:BQ2.

The formula I have presented above does not work.....any suggestions?


Works Great...thank you!!! One question...why do I need the quotes around
the >= instead of around the entire calculation? I'd like to understand why
it works now and not before. Thanks again.

T. Valko

That's just one of Excel's quirks!

If the criteria is a hardcoded number:


If the criteria is hardcoded text:


If the criteria is a cell reference or a named cell:



Thank you

T. Valko said:
That's just one of Excel's quirks!

If the criteria is a hardcoded number:


If the criteria is hardcoded text:


If the criteria is a cell reference or a named cell:


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