SUMIF with multiple variables HELP!!!!



I have an Array formula below that works perfect. It sums amounts of project
expenses (DataFile.xls) based on specified criteria from multiple combo
boxes. This part works perfectly.


However, there are several incorrect project Codes that could also be used
in this expense file (DataFile.xls) from Fiscal Yeas 08, 07 and 06.

So, from the combo box, when a project is selected, I also with vlookup pull
the other possible Fiscal year project names. That way I was hopping we
could sum all the expenses for that project even if it were posted to the
incorrect Fiscal Year project name.

The lookup data table is below:

My problem is that if there is no data in the Data file that fits all 3
possible project names, it doesn’t pull up anything. Sometimes there can be
3 project names, sometimes 2, sometimes only 1. How do I write this formula
so that it adds amounts for all three if there are three; only 2 if there are
only two; and just 1 if there is just 1?

Below is the formula to include all 3 fiscal year project names IF THEY
APPEAR in the expense file

Oh, I do hope I have explained this properly and SOMEONE can help me out

Thanks soo much,


Gary's Student - thank's so much for your quick response. However, when I
looked up how to use SUBPRODUCT, I could not figure out how to apply it to my
formula. Can U help with this too? Do I just replace the =SUM(IF(( with

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