Sumifs in Excel 2007 for only numerical values




How can I write a "Sumifs" formula in Excel 2007 which sums only if the
range of a criteria contains numbers?
Example: if sum cells b2:b8 only if cells a2:a8 contain numbers.

Thank you

T. Valko

If the numbers in A2:A8 are always positive numbers then you can use this:


If there might be negative numbers in A2:A8 then try this:



Actually I have alphabets in the series too; hence need to check the
condition specifically for "non-numerical" numbers.
Any ideas on how to write a condition for "non-numerical" numbers in a
"sumif" formula?


Thank you for the responses.
Actually a syntax for "sumifs" formula would really help as there are other
conditions I am checking too in the "sumifs" formula which I cannot with the
"sumproduct" formula.

T. Valko

I have alphabets in the series too; hence need to check the
there are other conditions I am checking too

OK, I think it's time for you to post a small sample of your data and
explain what you're wanting to do. Also, explain what "non-numerical"
numbers are.

SUMIFS is limited to "straight comparisons" only. You can't manipulate an
array for a condition. For example, A1:A10 hold dates that span several
years, B1:B10 hold sales numbers. You want to sum the sales numbers for a
certain month of any year. You can't use SUMIFS for something like that.

T. Valko

there are other conditions I am checking too in the
"sumifs" formula which I cannot with the "sumproduct" formula.

Actually, SUMPRODUCT can do everything that SUMIFS can do. But, SUMIFS can't
do everything that SUMPRODUCT can do.



I am sorry but I never realized there was a response to my query.
Example: My data range reads something as follows in row 1:
5, 7, 2, 3, x, 5, x, 1,...etc.
I also have a different set of numerical data in row 2.
I want to sum row 2 only if the corresponding cell in row 1 is a number.

Hope I was able to explain correctly. Thank you.

T. Valko

Ok, you can se a SUMIF formula since there's a single condition, if row 1 is
a number.

If the numbers will *always* be positive numbers:


If there can be both positive and negative numbers:



Thanks a lot.
If I were to use the Sumproduct formula, and I had the following data:

a1:a10 is the data with numbers and non-numbers
b1:b10 is the year numbers i.e. 2009, 2008 etc.
c1 is a cell which contains a year number to be summed for.

If I wanted to add the data in a1:a10 which are only numbers and the
corresponding cells in b1:b10 represent a year which is equal to the value of
a year in cell C1; I would write the formula as:


However the above syntax does not seem to work.
Can you please help correct?

T. Valko

SUMIF will work in this application:


If that doesn't work then you'll need to provide some sample data. I'm kind
of "nervous" about the term "non-numbers". Non-numbers can include TEXT
numbers, numbers formatted as TEXT. Some functions will ignore text numbers
and some won't. For example:

A1 = 10 (a real numeric number)
A2 = 10 (a TEXT number)

If you have not changed the default cell alignment it's easy to spot the


By default numeric numbers *always* align to the right of a cell.

By default TEXT (including TEXT numbers) *always* aligns to the left of the



The sumifs formula works. However now I was curious to see how it could be
written in the sumproduct formula since the consensus seems to be that
sunproduct formula is better than sumifs formula.
Non-numbers that I have is simply a character "x" i.e. a text character.

Hence, could you help explain how I could write this using a sumproduct
formula with the conditions i mentioned in my previous post.

Thanks again!

T. Valko

This should do it:

the consensus seems to be that sunproduct formula
is better than sumifs formula.

Not necessarily. For simple straight comparisons with multiple conditions
SUMIFS is a better choice. For example:

Sum col D if col A=x and col B=y and col C=z.


Thanks a bunch! This helps!

a1:a10 is the data with numbers and non-numbers
b1:b10 is the year numbers i.e. 2009, 2008 etc.
d1:d10 are all numbers
c1 is a cell which contains a year number to be summed for.

I want to sum d1:d10 if the corresponding value in:
a1:a10 is a number i.e. it should not be a non-number.
B1:B10=C1...using the sumproduct formula.

The syntax I used is:
However this does not seem to be working

T. Valko

However this does not seem to be working

That should work but you you don't need the double unary in front of A1:A10:


If that doesn't work then you'll have be more specific in describing what
"does not seem to be working" means.

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