Suming selected cells based on two criteria



I am wishing to search two specific columns (text) in a data base for two
separate specific criteria (text)and if these are a match then I want to sum
the numbers in a third colum that match the two criteria.
It would be like a dual VLOOKUP with a SUMIF attached based on the basis of
the results of a TRUE outcome of the VLOOKUP.
Does anyone know if it is possible to search on two criteria and if a match
sum all items in a third column, that have a match in regards to the two
search criteria.

You will be my idol if you are able to solve this one.


SUMPRODUCT would be your idol here <g>

Try something along these lines ..
In say, F1:
would sum col C where col A = "Text1" and col B = "Text2"
Note that the 3 ranges need to be identically sized, and SUMPRODUCT dosen't
accept entire col refs eg: A:A, B:B, C:C

And instead of hardcoding the criteria in the formula, perhaps better to
point to cells housing criteria, eg we could have it in F1 as:
where D1, E1 houses the criteria: Text1, Text2
With the 3 ranges fixed with the dollar signs, F1 could then be copied down
to return correspondingly for other sets of criteria in D2:E2, D3:E3, etc


Max you are my idol. You are an absolute legend and have provided me with a
much needed solution. Thankyou very much. YEAH!!!!!!!!

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