suming totals for each department?



I have created a query with two tables.
One table is the invoice table and the other is the a table that contains a
field that has total cost. They are related by the order number.

Now the first field in the query is Department
The second is the Totals cost
The third is the Order date

I have the totals cost groued by the (SUM)

If I leave out the oder date and run the query it shows me the totals for
all orders for each department.
However, here is my problem. I want my users to search between dates so I
put in the between comand in the date field. However when the query is ran it
lists each indivisual date and total cost per order.

Now here si what is really fustrating me! I have the same ezact query set up
for a search of total cost per company and it works. The same ezact query....
I have spent the last 2 hours trying to figure this out and nothing makes

What Am I doing wrong?

Duane Hookom

If this is a totals query, there will be a totals row in the grid. Make sure
the date column uses "Where" rather than "Group By". This should uncheck the
Show box.


Thank you, after changing the where command it worked. But whats wierd is
that I did not have to do that for the comapny query and it worked just

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