Summarise data by average in OLAP cube


Jonno McCarthy

The OLAP cube will only summarise data by COunt, SUm, MIn and MAx and i need
to summarise by average.
I have 500,00 records so using a standard pivot table will not suffice as i
am limited by excel page size.
Any ways to create an OLAP cube that will summarise data by average?


Which "OLAP cube" ?
There's >1 implementation out there...

... and can't you divide Sum by Count ?


Jonno McCarthy

it is an OLAP cube created from a database query.
I have created a pivot table with SUM and one with COUNT and have divided
these to create a table that is what i want, but i need this to be dynamic so
that when i change the data in the pivot charts, the data in the 'average'
chart also changes.
I was hoping to just create an OLAP cube with the data summarised by average.


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