summarize data sheet



I have a spreadsheet with 11 columns and 333 records. I need to create a
summary based on the data in one of the columns.

The data looks like this:
Item, Brand, Form, Formula, Size, Units
I need to summarize the data by "Form", like this:

form1: count(brands); count(forms); count(formulas)
form2: count(brands); count(forms); count(formulas)

So for each Form, I need the number of brands that have that form, etc.

What can I do?

Experienced Computer User


Unfortunately, that will not work for my purposes. I need to see a COUNT of
the number of brands that use a particular form. Subtotals just gives me a
count of the number of forms. I will keep trying to find an answer.


That actually worked for me, but it is very clumsy to use. I want to
find some kind of formula that works, so I can summarize several columns
at once, and link to the summaries from another page.

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