Summarize Data



I'm trying to find a way to summarize some data. One of the summary items I
want to show is the last time an event occured.
The data is a list of scan data that shows a Label, then identified with
this label are several events when the item was scanned. For the pourpose of
this question the data shows the label, an event code, and a Scan Date Time
(SDT). Some of the event codes are identified as a Stop-the-Clock (STC)
event. I want to show the first SDT that has a STC event at the same time
showing the first SDT for the same label. All of the label scans will not
have an STC as they will not have reached their destination yet.
So when i'm done the summary should show:

Label Sart Time STC Time
00301122388328 5/19/08 13:23 5/21/08 12:31
00302133182845 5/19/08 10:03 5/21/08 10:12

The scan data looks like this:
Label Event Scan Date Time Location
00301122388328 03 5/19/08 13:23 80216
00301122388328 04 5/19/09 17:53 80217
00301122388328 01 5/21/08 12:31 80222
00302133182845 03 5/19/08 10:03 97103
00302133182845 BE 5/20/08 01:33 80217
00302133182845 01 5/21/08 10:12 80014



I forgot to mention the data and the Events are in two different tables. The
event table is basically ID,Desc,Stop with Stop a Boolean identifying if the
event is an STC event.

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