Summary and Details need to combined in a query



Hi again access experts;
I'm having a problem again and hopefully someone out there can give me a
solution. Here are the details:

I have two queries, 1 is getting the total number of call in a unit and the
other query is the whole details and they both from the same source Table1:

Site Unit Calls
1 A3 1
1 A3 1
1 B1 1
1 C2 1
2 E6 1
3 A3 1

'Qry1 and Qry2 have a parameter of what site (Like [Site]) could be 1 or
other site number and on this sample I selected site 1.

Site Unit Calls
1 A3 2
1 B1 1
1 C2 1

Site Unit Calls
1 A3 1
1 A3 1
1 B1 1
1 C2 1

This is the result I wanted by combining them together in one query:

Qry2.Unit Qry2.Calls Qry1.Unit Qry1.Calls
A3 1 A3 2
A3 1 B1 1
B1 1 C2 1
C2 1

I'm thinking if I could add a running number expression on both query I can
join them both together and I don't know how to accomplish that. The reason
why I need to this because in my report I have to show both a detailed
information and summary in the same line.
If you guys have a better solution to accomplish my problem that would be

Thank you

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