Summary & detailed version of same Word document for printing



How can I set up a document such that the reader can either choose to print
off a detailed/complete version whilst another reader can choose to only
print off the Summary version of the same document without the detail.

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Ditch
How can I set up a document such that the reader can either choose to print
off a detailed/complete version whilst another reader can choose to only
print off the Summary version of the same document without the detail.

one possibility: all the content that should be visible is assigned a
special character style, which has the "hidden" text property set.

That way, you can print a short/long document by toggling Tools |
Options | Print: hidden text.

[Or you leave that off always, and toggle the character style's property

Both can be done with very short macros, put on a toolbar for your
readers' benefit.


Robert M. Franz (RMF)

one possibility: all the content that should be visible is assigned a
special character style, which has the "hidden" text property set.

that should've read: "all the content that should be in the detailed
version only is assigned ..."



Thanks Robert,
The 'plot thickens' I will try and set up a template .doc with toolbar
buttons that can run the macro to Set_Print_Summary (exclude hidden
text-Print Options) or Set_Print_Detail. It has now been pointed out to me
that the doc's need to then be Adobe'd for security so I need to explore
whether Adobe has this "reader detail choice" functionality.
Thanks for your help,

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