summary options



Is there a way to access the summary options in design view
of a report instead of just in the report wizard? Changing
groups is available but I haven't found anything about
adding the summary options after-the-fact without going
back and re-designing the entire report. I know it can be
done manually in the appropriate group footer, but
sometimes requires creating additional queries, etc.
Thought there might be a way to "work smarter instead of
working harder" (OK, so I'm lazy!!). :)

thanks! Patti

ET Sherman

Hello Patti,

Once you have created a report and you open it in Design
View, at this point you can make any modifications
desired, i.e. Summary Control Boxes, Calculations, Sub
Reports, etc.

If you provide detail as to what you are try to
accomplish, I'm sure someone here can help you.


ET Sherman

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