summary projects in a top level paln



Hope someone can help with this problem.

I have created a new file gantt chart which I have inserted several other
projects ( which have rolled up summary detail) This shows the top level
summary bar with the rolled up detail for each project.
If I save the file and, then re open it all i see is a blank summary bar for
each project until i expand each plan which re populates the summay bar. is
there a way of keeping the top level view as there will eventaully be over 60
inserted projecs. and i didnt want to have to open each one each time - hope
this makes a bit of sense


Hi Andy,

Click in the Task Name column heading to select all projects and then
click the Show button. Select all subtasks.

If I save a consolidated project file with all tasks visible when I
close and re-open, all tasks are still visible. (Using Project 2003
with SP-3 installed.)

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project


Hi Julie, thanks for your help, I missed the "show all" button. BUT, All the
projects sub and the top level are password protected so it auto populates Ok
with all the sub project detail when i open the file as a read only file.
But when i open the top level plan it then asks about each sub project
individually if i want a read or write copy to work before it fills the
summary bar.

I still have'nt found a way to keep the top level plan populated when i
close it down in either a read or write configuration what am i doing wrong



Hi Andy,

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. If you have password
protected the files, project cannot show all details (effectively
querying each subproject) until you give permission to either open the
subproject files as read-only or supply the password.

With password protected files, they is most likely not a method of
saving the information expanded.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional information
about Microsoft Project


Hi julie, thanks for your help (i'll just have to do long hand as i thought)..
As you are brillaint with MSP, Is there a way that - if i identified the sub
projects with a UID and brought the summary UID line of each sub project only
into my top level view it would remain "populated" ?? - I may sound if i
know how to do it but have no idea as I have never used uid before - and when
i have tried i get ole errors (whatever that means)


Hi Andy,

You're welcome for the help and thanks for the comment about "brilliant"
with MSP. Far from it, but I appreciate the idea :)

To your new question, I assume you are talking about copy/paste link to
attempt to show the subproject info. Using paste link in Project is not part
of a recommended "best practice" as the links are fragile and can "break" if
files get moved or renamed.

If you want to see the master project file with all subtasks expanded, I'd
suggest making the master with non-password protected copies of the
subproject files. Perhaps instead of passwords, place the files into
restricted access directories? You could also create a master project with
non-linked subprojects inserted. That will copy the tasks from the
subproject files, but not maintain the link to the original source file. No
worries about people changing the subproject file, and it gives more of a
snapshot view. To insert without linking, uncheck the "Link to Project"
button on the Insert project dialog. If you want to unlink and you've
already created the master, double click on the inserted subproject to show
the Task Information and on the advanced tab uncheck "Link to project."

I hope this helps.


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