Summary Sheet Macro



I have a spreadsheet which contains details of telephone calls, costs and
duration etc, in column's A to M and there are about 1,500 lines. Column E
has the name and H the number. Lines 1 & 2 are headings, 3 is blank, 4
onwards data, with the last line being totals

I would like to create a summary page (formated the same as the detail page,
which is printable) which list all the telephone records for a specific name
or number, so that I can quickly see all the calls made, the topics
discussed, and with whom.

I understand a macro would achieve this, but I don't know where to start in
compiling a macro to do this. My knowledge of macro's is virtually zero.

My OS is XP Home with SP2, and I have Office SBE 2003 (no database)

Any help in accomplishing this would be of great value to me.

Thanks Joco (London)

Sandy Mann

I would like to create a summary page (formated the same as the detail
which is printable) which list all the telephone records for a specific
or number, so that I can quickly see all the calls made, the topics
discussed, and with whom.

If you just want to see, or perhapd even print off the data then you not use
Autofilter to filter the data to show only what you want? Ene in a Macro
that it the way that I would tend to do it.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
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