We have coded Server Schedule Indicator to present a "?" if a schedule is not
baseline. However, when we baseline schedules the detail tasks end up with
green stoplight indicators (desired result), but the summary tasks still have
the "?" The only way to get the Summary Tasks to display a green stoplight
is for the PM to highlight all the detail tasks below the summary Task and
outdent them, then quickly indent them back to their original position. IS
this situation a result of the custom coding? Is there a fix?
IIf([Baseline Finish]=ProjDateValue("NA"),"No
baseline",IIf(ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Finish])>(0.2*[Duration]),"Late
by more than 20%",IIf(ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],[Finish])<=(0.2*[Duration]) And ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],[Finish])>0,"Late","On schedule")))
baseline. However, when we baseline schedules the detail tasks end up with
green stoplight indicators (desired result), but the summary tasks still have
the "?" The only way to get the Summary Tasks to display a green stoplight
is for the PM to highlight all the detail tasks below the summary Task and
outdent them, then quickly indent them back to their original position. IS
this situation a result of the custom coding? Is there a fix?
IIf([Baseline Finish]=ProjDateValue("NA"),"No
baseline",IIf(ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Finish])>(0.2*[Duration]),"Late
by more than 20%",IIf(ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],[Finish])<=(0.2*[Duration]) And ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],[Finish])>0,"Late","On schedule")))