Summary Task Costs used in Timescaled



I am using Project 2002 and am doing a very simple fixed
cost schedule (no resources) for purposes of cash flow.
I have loaded fixed costs onto summary tasks (and not the
indented tasks below each), but when I analyze timescled
data in Excel, the costs I have loaded on the summary
level do not spread if I have detail tasks beneath them
(indented). I am trying to get a cummulative and fixed
costs graph but the summary costs are not coming across.
Is there a way around this or a setting I am missing?
Thanks in advance.


Unfortunately the "analyze timescaled data in Excel" add-in does not
export summary lines from a task view. If you have VBA experience you
could write your own macro to do the export however in your case there
is a simple solution. If you haven't already figured this out, replicate
each summary line with a dummy task with the same duration and apply the
fixed cost to that task (remove the fixed cost from the summary line).
Now the add-in will export the data and you can make your graphs in



That will work, thanks!
----- John wrote: -----

Unfortunately the "analyze timescaled data in Excel" add-in does not
export summary lines from a task view. If you have VBA experience you
could write your own macro to do the export however in your case there
is a simple solution. If you haven't already figured this out, replicate
each summary line with a dummy task with the same duration and apply the
fixed cost to that task (remove the fixed cost from the summary line).
Now the add-in will export the data and you can make your graphs in


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