Summary "task" not reporting subtasks correctly



I have a summary task with 2 subtasks. Both of the subtasks are
reported complete - 100% done. The summary task shows 0% complete,
shouldn't it be 100% as all the subtasks are complete? This used to
work for me, but I had to reset my Windows profile and set options and
such back up. Something in that process seemed to break something.

Also, I have new tasks set to be on the date created and with fixed
units, but for some reason when I create a new task, it correctly sets
the constraint as start no earlier than today, but the actual start
date is the project start date, and project immediately tells me
(indicator in the 1st column) that this task is set to start before the
constraint date. They are directly conflicting

So many strange things going on that used to not happen - is there just
some corruption in my file? Should I just reinstall project?


abruncke said:
I have a summary task with 2 subtasks. Both of the subtasks are
reported complete - 100% done. The summary task shows 0% complete,
shouldn't it be 100% as all the subtasks are complete? This used to
work for me, but I had to reset my Windows profile and set options and
such back up. Something in that process seemed to break something.

Also, I have new tasks set to be on the date created and with fixed
units, but for some reason when I create a new task, it correctly sets
the constraint as start no earlier than today, but the actual start
date is the project start date, and project immediately tells me
(indicator in the 1st column) that this task is set to start before the
constraint date. They are directly conflicting

So many strange things going on that used to not happen - is there just
some corruption in my file? Should I just reinstall project?

There are various reasons why a summary task may not show 100% complete
even though all subtasks supposedly are complete. For example, is
Tools/Options/Calculation tab set for "automatic"? Are you absolutely
sure ALL subtasks under the summary are 100% (don't forget milestones)?
Is the % Work Complete 100% for all subtasks?

With regard to your other question, how do you set a task to start on
the date created? Do you mean set to start on the current date? What is
the setting of the "current date" under Project/Project Information? If
its the same as the Project start date, then that is when new tasks will

Project MVP

Jim Aksel

Also investigate that the Earned Value method is the same for all tasks in
the chain.
Select all the subtasks, select the Task Information icon on the toolbar.
Pull the Advanced tab and the select the appropriate method of EV (it should
default to %Complete).

Also verify EV method on the calculations tab
(Project/Options/Calculations/Earned Value.... button

Hit F9 to recalc

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