This is an unconventional question, so please accept my apologies
My estimates are sometimes done at the summary level. For example,
Frank says it will take 8,000 hours for his team to build a house. I
want to show this summary in Project without estimating how much time
it takes to complete each individual subtask. Frank knows what needs
to be done (lay foundation, build the frame, install plumbing, etc )
he just doesn't know ahead of time how long each task will take him;
he does know however that it will take 8,000 hours.
For Example:
Build House Start: 10/19/05 End: 12/31/2005 Work Effort: 8,000
%Complete: .25
Lay Foundation 20 hours
Build Frame 0 hours
Install Plumbing 0 hours
In the example above, I want to be able to enter to-date 20 hours spent
on laying the foundation with no hours recorded so far for the other
tasks. The work effort is still 8,000 hours, with 7,980 to go , and
the start/finish dates remain the same. The percent complete changes
from 0 to .25%. As the project progresses hours are added for the
other tasks eventually equally 8,000 and 100% complete.
It would be the same as this:
Build House Start: 10/19/05 End: 12/31/2005 Work Effort:
8,000 %Complete: .25
Do everything 10/19/05 - 12/31/2005 Work: 8,000
Completed: 20 hrs
My example is made-up, however based on my experience people provide
estimates in summary format all the time and the PM often ends up
fudging the subtasks with bogus hours just to make it work in Project.
I want to avoid that. Any ideas how?
My estimates are sometimes done at the summary level. For example,
Frank says it will take 8,000 hours for his team to build a house. I
want to show this summary in Project without estimating how much time
it takes to complete each individual subtask. Frank knows what needs
to be done (lay foundation, build the frame, install plumbing, etc )
he just doesn't know ahead of time how long each task will take him;
he does know however that it will take 8,000 hours.
For Example:
Build House Start: 10/19/05 End: 12/31/2005 Work Effort: 8,000
%Complete: .25
Lay Foundation 20 hours
Build Frame 0 hours
Install Plumbing 0 hours
In the example above, I want to be able to enter to-date 20 hours spent
on laying the foundation with no hours recorded so far for the other
tasks. The work effort is still 8,000 hours, with 7,980 to go , and
the start/finish dates remain the same. The percent complete changes
from 0 to .25%. As the project progresses hours are added for the
other tasks eventually equally 8,000 and 100% complete.
It would be the same as this:
Build House Start: 10/19/05 End: 12/31/2005 Work Effort:
8,000 %Complete: .25
Do everything 10/19/05 - 12/31/2005 Work: 8,000
Completed: 20 hrs
My example is made-up, however based on my experience people provide
estimates in summary format all the time and the PM often ends up
fudging the subtasks with bogus hours just to make it work in Project.
I want to avoid that. Any ideas how?