When I use summary tasks in 2002, the duration of the
summary tasks do not reflect in the task that is one level
higher in the hierarchy.
Eg. I have a task named "High" with the subtasks of "Low
1" with duration of 1 day and "Low 2" with duration of 2
days beneath it (indented). If I change the duration of
Low 2 to 8 days, the High task does not increase to
reflect the increased days.
When I use summary tasks in 2002, the duration of the
summary tasks do not reflect in the task that is one level
higher in the hierarchy.
Eg. I have a task named "High" with the subtasks of "Low
1" with duration of 1 day and "Low 2" with duration of 2
days beneath it (indented). If I change the duration of
Low 2 to 8 days, the High task does not increase to
reflect the increased days.