Summary will show your name who wrote the .doc?



After having OFFICE installed I find my WORD.doc's ratting me out!!
It seems if you right click /properties on a word .doc and then go to the
SUMMARY tab it shows who wrote it!!
Is there anyway to block this after OFFICE has been installed, or put in a
fake name?
I never would have put my real name in if I knew there was a way to tell who
was writing the .doc..
I mean what if I was a secret admirirer or a stalker?

Anyway, is there anyway to change it instead of going thru the trouble of
deleting office and then re-installing?




What are you worried about? That info. is for you alone and it stays on your
computer. deleting and re-installing will do no good. It is a default
function of Office. You could try TOOLS > OPTIONS >: USER INFORMATION to
make alterations but I'm not sure it would solve your problem.


If I have the word .doc on a disc and I give the disc to someone, can
someone right click properties /summary and see who the author of the .doc

That is my conscern...


Yes Brod ,
That is exactly what I wanted to be able to do.
Thanks for that path.
It has enabled me to change the author of every word .doc I write.

It has changed to who the product has been registered.

Thanks alot!


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