Jimmy Joseph
I have an excel file containing machine ordering fulfillment data
data is arranged as follows
Heading as "Qty" is enterd in cellA1&A2 merged and Qty of the machine
ordered is maintained in Cell A4 to A5
Heading as "description" is entered in CellB1&B2 and machine name is
maintained in cell B4 and B5
Heading as "value" is entered in CellC1&C2 merged and machine value is
maintained in C4 and C5
Heading as "YR 2006 Qtr" is entered in CellD1&E1 merged
Heading as "fulfillment" in D2 and data is maintained as I, II, III, IV
(Quarters in Year) in D4 and D5 based on fulfillment quarter.
Heading as "PTU" in E2 and data is maintained as I, II, III, IV (Quarters
in Year) in E4 and E5 based on Put to use of the machine.
Heading as "YR 2007 Qtr" is entered in CellF1&G1 merged
Heading as "fulfillment" in F2 and data is maintained as I, II, III, IV
(Quarters in Year) in F4 and F5 based on fulfillment quarter.
Heading as "PTU" in G2 and data is maintained as I, II, III, IV (Quarters
in Year) in G4 and G5 based on put to use of the machine.
I have data as follows in sheet 1
2 Nos "Machine1" of value 2000 (Value=cost of two machines) fulfillment
in Yr 2006 IV Qtr and PTU in Yr 2007 I Qtr
3 Nos "Machine2" of value 1000 (Value=cost of 3 machines) fulfillment in
Yr 2007 I Qtr and PTU in Yr 2007 II Qtr.
I maintain these data for ~60 machines
I have a summary sheet (sheet 2) that shows the fulfillment and PTU
amount for Yr 2006 and Yr 2007 as below.
Year Qtr fulfillement PTU
2006 I
IV 2000
2007 I 1000 2000
II 1000
Presently I am maintaining this summary sheet by manual calculation.
I would like to use excel functions to automate this summary calculation
based on the value in sheet1
Help please!
Jimmy Joseph
I have an excel file containing machine ordering fulfillment data
data is arranged as follows
Heading as "Qty" is enterd in cellA1&A2 merged and Qty of the machine
ordered is maintained in Cell A4 to A5
Heading as "description" is entered in CellB1&B2 and machine name is
maintained in cell B4 and B5
Heading as "value" is entered in CellC1&C2 merged and machine value is
maintained in C4 and C5
Heading as "YR 2006 Qtr" is entered in CellD1&E1 merged
Heading as "fulfillment" in D2 and data is maintained as I, II, III, IV
(Quarters in Year) in D4 and D5 based on fulfillment quarter.
Heading as "PTU" in E2 and data is maintained as I, II, III, IV (Quarters
in Year) in E4 and E5 based on Put to use of the machine.
Heading as "YR 2007 Qtr" is entered in CellF1&G1 merged
Heading as "fulfillment" in F2 and data is maintained as I, II, III, IV
(Quarters in Year) in F4 and F5 based on fulfillment quarter.
Heading as "PTU" in G2 and data is maintained as I, II, III, IV (Quarters
in Year) in G4 and G5 based on put to use of the machine.
I have data as follows in sheet 1
2 Nos "Machine1" of value 2000 (Value=cost of two machines) fulfillment
in Yr 2006 IV Qtr and PTU in Yr 2007 I Qtr
3 Nos "Machine2" of value 1000 (Value=cost of 3 machines) fulfillment in
Yr 2007 I Qtr and PTU in Yr 2007 II Qtr.
I maintain these data for ~60 machines
I have a summary sheet (sheet 2) that shows the fulfillment and PTU
amount for Yr 2006 and Yr 2007 as below.
Year Qtr fulfillement PTU
2006 I
IV 2000
2007 I 1000 2000
II 1000
Presently I am maintaining this summary sheet by manual calculation.
I would like to use excel functions to automate this summary calculation
based on the value in sheet1
Help please!
Jimmy Joseph