summing columns in repeating table - only sums first row



i have created a repeating table that has a drop down to show expense
type and three subsequent columns for previous amount, change amount
and total. i have also added a footer to the repeating table to sum
each of the columns. the formula i used to autopopulate the footer
text boxes with the sum of the repeating table rows is :
sum_previous_Amount: sum(@previous_Amount). My data is linked via an
Access database.

the problem is that the function only sums the first row. any added
rows within the repeating table are not captured as part of the sum.
i followed microsoft's directions to sum the columns, so i'm at a
loss. any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


Ravi G

Hi Rick,

Insert formula "sum(field)" for Footer text box default value, This may
solve your problem


Check whether “Update this value when the result of the formula ….†Check
box is checked or not in the footer text box properties. If it is not checked
then check this one.

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