Summing Data by date from different tables



I have a worksheet that has 100 tables consisting of dates and injection
rates. The tables do not all start on the same date, but I need to have
totals for each date and I'm not sure how to do this. I've tried a couple
things but nothing is working. My worksheet looks like this:

Well #1 Well #2
Date Injection Date Injection
10/1/2001 1 1/1/2002 0
11/1/2001 2 2/1/2002 1
12/1/2001 3 3/1/2002 4
1/1/2002 4 4/1/2002 3
2/1/2002 5 5/1/2002 0

I have 100 tables like this that each continue on for 50 years and I need to
sum up all the injection data on the same dates, so ultimately I can find the
total injection for the whole field. I've tried SumIf already and I just
can't figure out how to find the injection data from every table. If anyone
has any ideas I'd greatly appreciate it!


What formulae have you tried? what columns is the data in (say for Well #1 &

As you have very large volumes (50 years!) maybe a macro is the best
solution. Do want results for every date of the 50 years?


Well 1 is takes up columns A and B, the dates in A and injection in B. Well
2 is in D and E, 3 in G and H, and so on. And I do need results for each
date, even if only 1 well has injection for a specific date. I would prefer
to keep it formatted this way instead of starting out at the earliest date
for each well and just entering 0 for the injection. If I do it that way I
will have to reformat my whole worksheet and since there are 100 of them I'd
like to avoid that! I haven't used macros ever though so I wouldn't know how
to start recording one and get it to do what I want.


Can you send me your worksheet (or a reasonable sample) with expected output:
I have written a macro but would like to test it on "live" data.

toppers <at>

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