A bit of confusion here. Too many people named Mike.
I gave you the simple =IF(24*A1>3,24*A1-3,0) and =SUM
(B1:B4) formulas. I figured it would be easier for you to
understand these ones.
The other Mike's single array formala works very much like
my set of formulas, but unless you understand the basics
first, array formulas can be tricky to understand. Array
formulas are very useful because they allow you to perform
the same operation on a large range of cells using one
formula instead of adding helper columns.
To enter an array formula you need to press
Ctrl+Shift+Enter. You can tell it's an array formula
because it's enclosed in braces {}.
To explain the other Mike's array formula:
The (A1:A4-"3:0") section simply subtracts 3 hours from
each cell using H:MM format and because this is an array,
it returns (-1:30,0:40,0:20,0:25). The (A1:A4>"3:0"*1)
portion basically says for each cell in the range, if >
then 3 hours, then return true, otherwise false. So it
returns (False, True, True, True). Then these two arrays
are multiplied. False=0 and True=1, so you get
(0,0:40,0:20,0:25). Then all these are summed using the
SUM function. This returns 1:25. Finally the /"1.0"
portion converts the H:MM format into a decimal.
Mike's method of using "3:0" and "1:0" is a bit unusal. I
have seen very few people use this. Most people would
just multiply the H:MM format by 24 to get a decimal
value, but to each his own. There's always more than one
way to get Excel to do your bidding.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Mike
This works very well!! ( =IF(24*A1>3,24*A1-3,0) )
But the array formula returns an incorrect answer.... was
just trying to figure out why. I've realised that arrays
are well beyond me yet.