I am using the SUmPRoduct and Evalute method to count up vlaues based on
conditions. THe problem I'm having is I cannot seem to be able find the right
syntax for finding a partial piece of info. For example I would like to find
and count the entires which begin with "SME". Normally I might use find or a
wildcard, but neither seem to work. I have tried looking at Chip's site as
well as the enormously helpful XLDYNAMIC site, but no success.
This is my code
or more purposely the snippet I'm concerned with)
xlApp.Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT(--('[Release Plan (1,2,3,4).xls]" & _
ShtRef & "'!" & CntRef5.Address & _
Where in good gods name do I get it to find partials . . . HELP
conditions. THe problem I'm having is I cannot seem to be able find the right
syntax for finding a partial piece of info. For example I would like to find
and count the entires which begin with "SME". Normally I might use find or a
wildcard, but neither seem to work. I have tried looking at Chip's site as
well as the enormously helpful XLDYNAMIC site, but no success.
This is my code
xlApp.Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT(--('[Release Plan (1,2,3,4).xls]" & _
ShtRef & "'!" & CntRef5.Address & _
Where in good gods name do I get it to find partials . . . HELP