Sumproduct does not work after editing data


Jackie K

Shift Status 1st Shift 20
2 2 2nd Shift 3
1 2 3rd Shift 3
2 1 Unknown 0
2 1 Total Active 26

Above is the spreadsheet that I am working with. I am using a SUMPRODUCT
formula to tell me how many employees are on each shift. Below are the
formulas I am using to get the results listed after 1st Shift, 2nd Shift and
3rd Shift. The formula works only if the data is not edited. If I change
any number in the shift column, the formulas do not seem to calculate the
value. Any ideas? Does this formula only work on unideted data?




Any help would be appreciated.

Jackie K

Bob Umlas

Looks OK EXCEPT you seem to be array-entering them. SUMPRODUCT doesn't
require array-entry. You didn't say what's not working -- wrong answers?
#VALUE? same answers in each formula? what's happening?
Bob Umlas
Excel MVP


Which column is the employee data in ... as it only checks to values of 1,2
or 3 in L (Shifts?) and 1 in M? Does M=1 indicate employee is present?

Changing values in L & M worked OK for me and there is nothing wrong with
formulae if above applies.

And you don't need to enter with CtrL+SHift+Enter as your posting implies
from the {} brackets.

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