I am working with hourly readings and making a monthly summary. I am looking
for a formula that will find the maximum of all of the hourly values for each
month and return the date/time of that peak. The date time is broken into
components so my data looks like:
Col C Month
Col D Day
Col E Hour
Col N Total
I know I need sumproduct and I am using
8785)*--(C2:C8785="month in
question")*--(max(C2:C8785="Month in Question")*--(N2:N8785))). Im guessing
I either have an extra or missing -- and Im not sure about ctrl-shift-enter.
"Month in Question" is changed based on actual reporting month and is not a
named range. Also what modification would I make to return one of the one of
the individual values in col F-M for that same peak date/time.
for a formula that will find the maximum of all of the hourly values for each
month and return the date/time of that peak. The date time is broken into
components so my data looks like:
Col C Month
Col D Day
Col E Hour
Col N Total
I know I need sumproduct and I am using
question")*--(max(C2:C8785="Month in Question")*--(N2:N8785))). Im guessing
I either have an extra or missing -- and Im not sure about ctrl-shift-enter.
"Month in Question" is changed based on actual reporting month and is not a
named range. Also what modification would I make to return one of the one of
the individual values in col F-M for that same peak date/time.