Dale G
So far I found I can use this, in column E.
=IF(C3<=D3,"+ ","- ")&TEXT(MAX(C3,D3)-MIN(C3,D3),"[m]:ss")
To display negative time, whereas before I was using,
=IF(D3="","",D3-C3) to leave the column E blank.
The 2nd one was good because it would leave the column blank until I made an
entry in D, is there a way to use the first Formula and leave the column
Also I'm using Sumproduct on another sheet to count the entrees in E.
Here is an example.
In B,
In C,
When I use =IF(C3<=D3,"+ ","- ")&TEXT(MAX(C3,D3)-MIN(C3,D3),"[m]:ss") , the
sumproduct formula will count all entrees in C, >--"0:10:59"
Is there a way to make these 2 sheets work together?
I need anything negative and up to 0:10:59 in column B, and over 0:10:59 in
column C.
=IF(C3<=D3,"+ ","- ")&TEXT(MAX(C3,D3)-MIN(C3,D3),"[m]:ss")
To display negative time, whereas before I was using,
=IF(D3="","",D3-C3) to leave the column E blank.
The 2nd one was good because it would leave the column blank until I made an
entry in D, is there a way to use the first Formula and leave the column
Also I'm using Sumproduct on another sheet to count the entrees in E.
Here is an example.
In B,
In C,
When I use =IF(C3<=D3,"+ ","- ")&TEXT(MAX(C3,D3)-MIN(C3,D3),"[m]:ss") , the
sumproduct formula will count all entrees in C, >--"0:10:59"
Is there a way to make these 2 sheets work together?
I need anything negative and up to 0:10:59 in column B, and over 0:10:59 in
column C.