Thank you for helping with my question from yesterday. The formula I am using
=SUMPRODUCT((K5:K55={"BOX549";"BOX919"})*(L5:L55)) - it returns #N/A
The Data is in ColK and ColL - looks like this:
BOX549 69460
BOX919 49746
BOX017 37297
BOX980 22848
BOX910 19862
Any thoughts on why the formula does not work ?
Thank you in advance.
=SUMPRODUCT((K5:K55={"BOX549";"BOX919"})*(L5:L55)) - it returns #N/A
The Data is in ColK and ColL - looks like this:
BOX549 69460
BOX919 49746
BOX017 37297
BOX980 22848
BOX910 19862
Any thoughts on why the formula does not work ?
Thank you in advance.