Excel 2003
Trying to sum all deals for a specific rep in a specific month.
Column A = Months (Entered as JAN, FEB, MAR, APR...)
Column B = Rep (Entered as Last Name)
Column C = Value of deal (Entered in as the monetary amount.
Sample Data: (Columns Seperated by commas)
JAN, Johnson, $50,000
JAN, Smith, $20,000
JAN, Roberts, $15,000
JAN, Johnson, $10,000
FEB, Brown, $5,000
FEB, Roberts $10,000
FEB, Johnson $5,000
Wat did Johnson sell in January? Output = $60,000
Trying to sum all deals for a specific rep in a specific month.
Column A = Months (Entered as JAN, FEB, MAR, APR...)
Column B = Rep (Entered as Last Name)
Column C = Value of deal (Entered in as the monetary amount.
Sample Data: (Columns Seperated by commas)
JAN, Johnson, $50,000
JAN, Smith, $20,000
JAN, Roberts, $15,000
JAN, Johnson, $10,000
FEB, Brown, $5,000
FEB, Roberts $10,000
FEB, Johnson $5,000
Wat did Johnson sell in January? Output = $60,000