I'm having a problem with the above formula, and I think it has to do
with formatting.
In column b is a list of dates and column c has this formula pulled
down to give me the weekday.
=IF(B39="","",B39) formatted (ddd)
D20 refers to the day of the week and is also formatted (ddd)
D24 refers to a cell in column D and is just text.
It answers 0 when it should be three.
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm sure it's a formatting
problem, because I have the exact formula elsewhere, and it works
fine, but in those formulas cell D20 refers to a date--not weekday.
I'm having a problem with the above formula, and I think it has to do
with formatting.
In column b is a list of dates and column c has this formula pulled
down to give me the weekday.
=IF(B39="","",B39) formatted (ddd)
D20 refers to the day of the week and is also formatted (ddd)
D24 refers to a cell in column D and is just text.
It answers 0 when it should be three.
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm sure it's a formatting
problem, because I have the exact formula elsewhere, and it works
fine, but in those formulas cell D20 refers to a date--not weekday.