I am trying to use an array value in a sumprodct function using Evaluate
under VBA My code looks like this:
Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT(--(Arr(i)" & _
"Billable FT'!" & CntRef.Address & ">""0""),--('Arr(i)" & _
"Billable FT'!" & CntRef2.Address)
Where CntRef is a range and both are the same size, "Arr(i)" is the array. I
think I have all the right Quotes and &'s. I get a #Value Error when I run
the code
under VBA My code looks like this:
Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT(--(Arr(i)" & _
"Billable FT'!" & CntRef.Address & ">""0""),--('Arr(i)" & _
"Billable FT'!" & CntRef2.Address)
Where CntRef is a range and both are the same size, "Arr(i)" is the array. I
think I have all the right Quotes and &'s. I get a #Value Error when I run
the code