sumproduct problem



In column "J" I enter certain codes (2 digit numbers), in column "M" I
enter date+time and in column "O" I enter a duration in HH:MM.
I need a formula doing the following:
Whenever there is code 50 in column "J" and the date in column "M" (same
row) is greater than the date in $B$3, then the time in column "O" has
to be added. There can be more than one rows with these conditions
though, I need the summary of all times entered in column "O". Hope it
(I) make sense.

Is that possible? I think it could work with SUMIF(AND(..... or maybe
even better with a SUMPRODUCT formula.


Arvi Laanemets


(Format as Custom "[h]:mm")

Arvi Laanemets

Mike H


Try this woth a Custom format of [hh]:mm


When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the


Hi Arvi, hi Mike,
thanks for helping me. My formula looks like this:

=SUMPRODUCT(--('downtime recording'!J4:J93=50),--('downtime
recording'!M4:M93>Date_no+TIME(17,30,0)),'downtime recording'!O4:O93)

or, as Mike suggested

=SUMPRODUCT(('downtime recording'!J4:J93=50)*('downtime
recording'!M4:M93=$B$3)*('downtime recording'!O4:O93))

In both cases, the result I am getting is: 00:00 (I have formatted the
cell as custom [h]:mm)



(Format as Custom "[h]:mm")

Arvi Laanemets

Norbert said:
In column "J" I enter certain codes (2 digit numbers), in column "M"
I enter date+time and in column "O" I enter a duration in HH:MM.
I need a formula doing the following:
Whenever there is code 50 in column "J" and the date in column "M"
(same row) is greater than the date in $B$3, then the time in column
"O" has to be added. There can be more than one rows with these
conditions though, I need the summary of all times entered in column
"O". Hope it (I) make sense.

Is that possible? I think it could work with SUMIF(AND(..... or maybe
even better with a SUMPRODUCT formula.



Sorry guys,

both formulas work. I made a mistake in entering the time into column
"M". The formula should look for the condition where the time is "less,
equal than", not "greater than".

=SUMPRODUCT(--('downtime recording'!J4:J93=50),--('downtime
recording'!M4:M93<=Date_no+TIME(17,30,0)),'downtime recording'!O4:O93)

or, as Mike suggested

=SUMPRODUCT(('downtime recording'!J4:J93=50)*('downtime
recording'!M4:M93<=Date_no+TIME(17,30,0))*('downtime recording'!O4:O93))

Thank you!

Hi Arvi, hi Mike,
thanks for helping me. My formula looks like this:

=SUMPRODUCT(--('downtime recording'!J4:J93=50),--('downtime
recording'!M4:M93>Date_no+TIME(17,30,0)),'downtime recording'!O4:O93)

or, as Mike suggested

=SUMPRODUCT(('downtime recording'!J4:J93=50)*('downtime
recording'!M4:M93=$B$3)*('downtime recording'!O4:O93))

In both cases, the result I am getting is: 00:00 (I have formatted the
cell as custom [h]:mm)



(Format as Custom "[h]:mm")

Arvi Laanemets

Norbert said:
In column "J" I enter certain codes (2 digit numbers), in column "M"
I enter date+time and in column "O" I enter a duration in HH:MM.
I need a formula doing the following:
Whenever there is code 50 in column "J" and the date in column "M"
(same row) is greater than the date in $B$3, then the time in column
"O" has to be added. There can be more than one rows with these
conditions though, I need the summary of all times entered in column
"O". Hope it (I) make sense.

Is that possible? I think it could work with SUMIF(AND(..... or
maybe even better with a SUMPRODUCT formula.


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