SUMPRODUCT problems...argh...



Hello, once again, I have to read 4 columns of info and count the records.
Here's the formula:


Where Column B are dates, Column C are categories, Column D is a 2nd
category, and Column G are codes...

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance...

Jim Thomlinson

try this...



Well, you do have a comma missing before the second --, and also I
don't think you need the first --. Actually, you don't need the second
-- if you change it to *, so try this:


Hope this helps.


David Biddulph

I would have thought you wanted either

You've separated the last 2 terms with --. You should separate either with
* or with ,--

You didn't need the double unary minus in front of the first term when you
used the * operator to combine it with the second term.
Double unary minus is there to force an arithmetic operation to convert from
Boolean to a number, but as you've got an arithmetic operation anyway you
don't need double unary minus as well.

You can get away with mixing and matching commas and multiplications, but
you need one or the other, and your
is unlikely to be what you want.
It would behave as


Thanks guys...but I had tried all these variations before I posted and I
still can't get them to work.

Any other suggestions? Maybe a different combination of functions?


Peo Sjoblom

If these don't work than you need to explain what does not work, if you get
zero when you expect something else
than it is the data that is not what you think it is



Peo Sjoblom


It's not counting the last condition correctly with everything else i.e.
--(DropCode_Log!$G$10:$G$400="SIK")). I get 0's where I should have numbers.

Also, I used the first part of this formula (without the "SIK" condition) as
it is written and it works...

David Biddulph

Perhaps in your column G you have something else beyond the "SIK" (perhaps
spaces or other non-printing characters).
Try a couple of helper columns =G10="SIK" should give TRUE if you really
have "SIK", and =LEN(G10) should give 3 if you have "SIK".
Another simple thing to overlook could be if you had not "SIK" but "S1K" or


Thanks David. The "SIK" is part of a drop-down list...I'll try your
suggestion with the helper columns and LEN...

David Biddulph

Congratulations on winning the gold medal for the most unhelpful reply of
the week.

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