I am trying to work on a formula which gives the count within a date range
with few specifications in some of the columns.
The data is in Sheet1 and I want to insert the formula in Sheet2.
From the raw data, I would like to get a formula which calculates the number
of times the specified categories are present in these columns.
The date is in m/d/yyyy h:mm format.
Within the specified date range in column B, the formula should search for
"Audio / Telephony / VOIP" in column O, "Audio Broadcasting" in column P,
"Quality" in column Q and gives the count if all the criteria is matched.
Please help
=SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!B:B>=--"2/5/2010 0:00:00 AM"),
(Sheet1!B:B<=--"2/10/2010 11:59:59 PM"), (Sheet1!O:O=--"Audio / Telephony /
VOIP"), (Sheet1!P
=--"Audio Broadcasting"), (Sheet1!Q:Q=--"Quality"))
I am trying to work on a formula which gives the count within a date range
with few specifications in some of the columns.
The data is in Sheet1 and I want to insert the formula in Sheet2.
From the raw data, I would like to get a formula which calculates the number
of times the specified categories are present in these columns.
The date is in m/d/yyyy h:mm format.
Within the specified date range in column B, the formula should search for
"Audio / Telephony / VOIP" in column O, "Audio Broadcasting" in column P,
"Quality" in column Q and gives the count if all the criteria is matched.
Please help
=SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!B:B>=--"2/5/2010 0:00:00 AM"),
(Sheet1!B:B<=--"2/10/2010 11:59:59 PM"), (Sheet1!O:O=--"Audio / Telephony /
VOIP"), (Sheet1!P