The array {1;0...;1} serves to mask the unwanted cells. When the
arrays are multiplied, A1 is multiplied by B1, A2 by B2, etc. That
result is then** multiplied by the values in the constant array:
A1 * B1 * 1 ==> A1 * B1
A2 * B2 * 0 ==> 0
A20 * B20 * 1 ==> A20 * B20
the results are then added. Anywhere that the constant array has a
zero will be excluded from the sum, even if An * Bn <> 0.
2. One way:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A20="John"), --(B1:B20=0),
Since SUMPRODUCT requires numeric arrays, the boolean (TRUE/FALSE)
array returned by (A1:A20="John") has to be coerced to numeric. The
Unary Minus operator (or multiplying the array by 1 - any math
operation) coerces TRUE/FALSE to 1/0 and inverts it. The second
Unary Minus inverts that result (-(-1) ==> 1, -(-0) ==> 0).
**I don't know the internal workings of SUMPRODUCT - I suspect that
the all the arrays are multiplied at one time, but for purposes of
explanation, I'll assume they're multiplied sequentially.