


I need some professional help as I have created a pretty complex
formula but it needs one more step to be complete and meet the
requirements of my summary WS. I currently have a WS that has 37
columns of some 5500 rows of products with a large quantity of
components that have the same component numbers that I need to
summarize the quantities of each component (89 different components)
listed in column E and compare to a date in column W to an end date
listed in N3 and I have been using the following formula successfully.

=SUMPRODUCT((LEN('SAP Dump'!$E$2:$E$65529)=17)*(--
(ISNUMBER(FIND("7T26",'SAP Dump'!$E$2:$E$65529)))),(--(ISNUMBER('SAP
Dump'!$W$2:$W$65529))),(--('SAP Dump'!$W$2:$W$65529<=$N$3)))

I would like to also quantify the above components by the Line Type
located in Column A by either Planned, Production, Stock or Shipped
the four different descriptions listed in Column A. Your assistance
would be greatly appreciated!

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