Sums and columns



Hi, need some help!

I got this column, called Total. A amount of numbers are listed an
followed by a sum of these numbers, then the procedure repeats with ne
numbers and so on and on...
I don´t know how many numbers it will be before next summering, th
numbers within a sum area are sorted desc but the sums are not sorte
releated to each other. (se example below)

Now I want to relate each number in a sum area to the max value in tha
certain area. An example; Below 1720 is the max value in the first su
and is used as denominator in that area, then it is 64....

How to solve the problem? My biggest problem is to get Excel t
understand that each sum is a break-point.


This column I already got | This column I want

1720 | 1720/1720
6 | 6/1720
3 | 3/1720
3 | 3/1720
1 | 1/1720
1 | 1/1720
1 | 1/1720
1 | 1/1720
1 | 1/1720
1737 * |
64 | 64/64
12 | 12/64
7 | 7/64
*83 * |
219 | and so on...
1 |
*220* |
35 |
22 |
4 |
*61 * |
and so on..

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