Thanks for those, and thanks cybertaz at least I now have a brut force
method if I can't fix it. (which when dealing with word and a massive
document is worth having.)
I've check in a brand new document typed some stuff in and formated it
it does seem that the problem is specific to Helvetica and in all
documents. Is it a possiblity that the font has become damaged? or
that there has been something done to the normal templete?
I did take some text out of another docuemnt that my supervisor sent me
the other day is it possible that this will have had some font settings
attached? (I've now deleted all of the user defined styles except my
own which I use).
I do at least have a method now (I think) to make sure it looks good
before handing it in, and i'm not pushing the deadline particularly.
(My present solution is... keep working on this docuement, then take it
on to a computer which I haven't used before, without EndNote, change
the font (Helvetica to Helvetic neue) and then do the final polishing.
Therefore hopefully eliminating as many potential source of the problem
as possible!)